One Piece, created by Eiichiro Oda, is an anime series renowned for its vast and diverse cast of characters. This show holds the record for the largest number of characters ever seen in any anime. In this ambitious undertaking, we will embark on a thrilling quest to rank each and every character, from the most incredible to the not-so-incredible. Prepare to encounter not only Luffy’s loyal crew but also formidable foes, valiant Marines, and fascinating secondary characters. We will explore the captivating arcs of the series, including the captivating Arlong Park, the enchanting Skypeia, the chilling Drum Island, and many more.
It is truly awe-inspiring to witness how the show initially revolved around Luffy, only to expand into a universe brimming with an overwhelming array of characters. Keeping tabs on all of them is akin to solving an exhilarating puzzle!
So, who do you believe reigns supreme as the ultimate One Piece character? Are you captivated by the comical antics of Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji? Or does your heart belong to the indomitable spirits of Zoro or Portgas D. Ace?