So, why did the Tony/Ziva NCIS spinoff end up at Paramount+ and not CBS? Well, it’s kinda a long story, but let’s dive in.
First off, streaming’s the big thing now, isn’t it? Everyone’s cutting the cord, chasing after the latest binge-worthy series. Paramount+? They’re no exception.
CBS, on the other hand, it’s like your comfy old couch. Reliable, but maybe not the first place you’d look for something edgy and new.
Now, Tony and Ziva. Those two have a fanbase that’s, how do I put this, insanely dedicated. Paramount+ probably saw this as a golden opportunity. You know, to lure in those die-hards with the promise of exclusive content.
And let’s not forget the business side of things. Money talks. Streaming services can throw around big bucks for original content. Maybe CBS just couldn’t match what Paramount+ was offering.
Oh, and another thing. Creativity. Maybe the folks behind the spinoff wanted more freedom. The kind that streaming platforms often provide. Less of the “This won’t fly on network TV” and more of the “Let’s see how far we can push this.”
But hey, who really knows? Maybe it was just a scheduling thing. Or some exec at Paramount+ really, really likes NCIS.
In the end, it’s all speculation. One thing’s for sure, though. Fans are gonna follow Tony and Ziva wherever they go. Even if it means adding yet another subscription to their monthly bills.
Ah, the things we do for love. Or, well, TV love.